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Welcome to the ISA RAS website!

Institute for Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISA RAS) is a unique autonomous research, advisory and consultative organization originally conceived, created and evolving as a multidisciplinary scientific entity bringing together experts in areas such as mathematics and economics, management and information technologies, biology and ecology, sociology and philosophy. By making use of the unique creative potential and forms of collaboration, experts in different areas of knowledge conduct fundamental and applied studies aimed largely at developing the theory and tools of systems analysis.

As a scientific theory systems analysis deals, within the frameworks of holistic conceptions, with complicated dynamic objects of different nature, making possible to diagnose the state and functioning of such objects, set tasks and find preferred options for structural transformation thereof on the basis of special formal models and information technologies created for them. Practical capacities of systems analysis are manifold and varied, but it is especially efficient when applied to preparing effective decisions concerned with big and complicated business, regional, national and global problems.

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(499) 135-24-38
117312, Moscow,
pr. 60-letiya Oktyabrya, 9