(b. 08.10.1944) Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1997, a member of the Scientific Council of RAS "Mathematical Modeling", the Committee for System Analysis of RAS, Board of Directors of the International Fund for development of intellectual resources, the Executive Committee of the International Association of research centers for the study of natural resources, the Committee on the State Prize of Russia at the Presidium of the RF in science and technology. 1973-1975 - Senior Researcher, Laboratory Head, Institute of Control Sciences of the USSR, work in the field of modeling and management of regional development. From 1975 to present - Head of the Department of the Institute of Systems Analysis of RAS. 1980 - Doctor of Science (theme "Systems analysis of the socio-economic facilities of the country and regional level"). 1987 - Corresponding Member of USSR Academy of Sciences, 1997 - Academician of RAS. Victor Archilovich Gelovani is a major specialist in the development of models and methods of human-computer simulation of complex systems to assess the alternatives of complex large-scale solutions, as well as in systems analysis and mathematical modeling of complex technical and socio-economic facilities.
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