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  About ISA RAS

(28.11.1910  – 17.10.1992)

A.A.Voronov - a prominent scientist in the field of management, academitian of Russia Academy of Sciences (1970), the winner of Lenin Prize. 

A.A.Voronov began his scientific career at the Institute of automatics and telemechanics (IAT),  where he worked as a research assistant, laboratory manager, deputy director. In 1970 A.A.Voronov was elected as  a member of the USSR Academy of Science (at once - without a "corresponding member"), and he headed the Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Scientific Center, USSR Academy of Sciences, being  at the same time the deputy chairman of the Far Eastern Branch of USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1980 A.A.Voronov returned to Moscow and worked at the Institute of Systems Analysis, RAS. 

A.A.Voronov made a great contribution to the theory and technique of automatic control and built own scientific school in this area. He has developed effective methods for the construction of transients in linear systems and methods for  study of self-oscillations in nonlinear systems. A.A.Voronov was one of the pioneers in the development of numerical systems for control  of metal-working machines. In the last years of his life he was actively involved in the problems of resource management and various problems  of system analysis.

A.A.Voronov was highly intelligent and charming person. He attracted young people. Those who was familiar with him  remember how attentively he treated people and always helped them in difficult moments of the life.

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