Математическое моделирование
Теория и практика программирования
Высокопроизводительные вычислительные системы


"Universal modeling environment for simulation application development" S.A. Vlasov, V.V. Deviatkov, T.V. Deviatkov.

The structure principles of the universal modeling environment and it's means of different simulation application arrangement are described in the report. There are examples of environment usage according to separate application realization. The perspective of it's development is shown.

Keywords: Simulation modeling, simulation research, simulation application, program modules, universal modeling environment.

"Nonattracting chaotic set in new model of biological system with delaying argument" A.U. Perevarukha

Author discusses modelling of transition from stable equilibrium to a transitive chaotic mode in nonlinear dynamic system for a case when there is no occurrence of the cascade of topological nonequivalent phase portraits if parameter is varied continuously. New dynamic system defined as Rn+1=ψ(Rn) with existents of 4 nontrivial stationary points is suggested. Elaborated hybrid stock-recruitment mathematical model based on of influence of step-wise changes in early ontogenesis of anadromous fish species according to positions of the theory of development of organisms. Model shows chaotic dynamics owing to occurrence of complex basin boundaries of two attractors, not being smooth manifolds.

Keywords: Nonattracting chaotic sets, modelling of population dynamics, hybrid representation of time.


"Reliable labour-intensiveness as a new algorithm quality appraisal" M.V. Ulyanov, V.N. Petrushin, A.S. Kriventsov

The article is devoted to the issues related with the quality appraisal of computer algorithms according to labour-intensiveness criteria. The traditional appraisal of an average labour-intensiveness makes it possible to get significant results only as a matter of statistics that is to appraise an algorithm as a multiple input unit with the fixed length. The article presents an interval appraisal - a reliable labour-intensiveness based as by analogy with reliable intervals of math’s statistics. It is presupposed to use beta-distribution to approximate the allocation of labour-intensiveness value as a limited accidental quantified value. A methodology to define the reliable labour-intensiveness as a function for algorithm input length is introduced as well.

Keywords: beta-distribution, reliable labour-intensiveness, Pearson’s goodness of fit, instant (aspect) method, algorithm labour-intensiveness

"The application of block algorithms for aerial photographs compression on the basis of Karhunen - Loeve decomposition" D.V. Kozlov

Two new compression algorithms on the basis of decomposition by Karhunen – Loeve have been developed. The compression results of such algorithms as KLBC, KLMBC, TBC and WSync were compared according to PSNR. Effective basic sets for compression of pictures with various structure have been defined. Ergonomic characteristics have been revealed and compression results have been compared under the influence of data link interferences.

Keywords: Block coding, multibasic algorithm, block compression


"Usage of ontologies in the development of domain adjustable web applications" P.A. Shapkin

This article analyses the possibilities of developing web-applications which are adjustable to domain. It is proposed to describe the domain with ontologies. Techniques of the realization of given approach in the bounds of model-view-controller architecture are considered.

Keywords: ontologies, web programming.

"Semantic expansion of service descriptions" L. Sheremetov, C. Sanches

The paper discusses an approach to discovery and composition of Web services (WS). It presents two algorithms, which expand client service descriptions (specified in OWL-S) to similar service descriptions, extending the matching types to exact, leftover and missing information. The characteristics of the algorithms are studied grounded in analysis of WS and ontologies to compare them with the known approaches.

Keywords: Web services, semantic description, service discovery, dynamic service composition.


"Load Balancing Algorithms and Models. Cooperative Processors Models. Adversarial Models" Khritankov A.S.

In the first part of this paper we review collective processors models that can be used to derive efficiency and speedup performance metrics. Then we present several adversarial models that characterize recent trends in performance modeling. The last part provides a brief guide to diffusion models and loadbalancing algorithms.

Keywords: load-balancing algorithms, parallel and distributed systems, adversarial models, diffusion algorithms and models.

"Grid Middleware – Principles of Standartization" Kovalenko V.N., Kovalenko E.I., Uhov L.V.

Abstract. The subject of this article is an analysis of basic architectural principles of the grid middleware represented in the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA). At the present stage the grid middleware is developed by different teams, and availability of universally recognized architectural solutions establish favourable conditions for creation of an open, expandable software platform, in which typical functions to access distributed resources are implemented. In the article we motivate the foundation of OGSA over the service oriented architectural approaches (SOA and Web Services), as well as consider several novel grid standards, which reflect the specificity of remote resource operation.

Keywords: grid, software architecture, service, resource, standard, WSRF


"Microprocessors sustems multiport memory" V.A. Lementujev

In our rewiew we present ananalytical concept of random access memory (RAM) -based multiport memory elements. Sets out the issues and the integrated circuit impementation of the Cache memory of microprocessors. Properties and useof content-addressable memory (CAM) based on the multiport memory of universal and specialized computer systems.

Keywords: microprocessor, random access memory, content-addressable memory, static SRAM-CAM Cell, MOS Transistor.

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