

Projectively invariant recognition of compound ovals
P.P. Nikolayev

We consider the problem of projectively invariant recognition of ovals (smooth planar figures), but possessing, by virtue of the mechanism of their generation, smooth conjunctions of a few fragments, each of these being analytically described by a corresponding set of shape coefficients. We propose original methods for detecting the conjunction points of the segments, discuss their role in building either a global or a local invariant basis of the figure, which ensures its recognition, independent of perspective transformations of the oval on the sensor plane of the detecting optical system and depending on the chosen angle of view (within the approximation of a central planar projection).

Keywords: oval, projective transformation, quadratic form, wurf, tangent, projectively invariant mapping, conjunction point.

Automatic line matching across calibrated images
V.A. Bobkov, Yu. I. Ronshin

Two line matching algorithms across three calibrated images of town scenes are considered. These algorithms are based on analysis of texture and geometrical line correspondence using trifocal geometry, planar homography and degeneracy situation processing in epipolar geometry context. A single line is an object of comparison in the first algorithm, a pair lines – in another algorithm.

Keywords: images of scenes, connectivity, comparison of lines, vectorization, calibration

Multifunctional information-computation complex  for analysis and diagnosis  of images
G.M. Popova, V. N. Stepanov, Yu.O. Druzhinin, I.F. Dyatchina

Consideration was given to the architecture of a computer-assisted multifunctional complex for analysis and identification of multitype objects from their images with the aim of differential diagnosis of their states and biomedical preparations as a whole. The complex with elements of consulting expert system is oriented to collective use by various experts within the framework of a local-area network.

Keywords: analysis, image processing, pattern recognition, computerized morphometry and diagnosis.


Formation of the hypercubic data representation with list components
S.V. Zykin

In paper the problem of automation of formation of the hypercubic data representation from a source relational database is considered. It is supposed, that at a one cell of hypercube there can be several homogeneous meanings (list), which are used at the data analysis. The technology, offered in the given paper, is development of traditional OLAP-technologies.

Keywords: hypercube, relational database, OLAP-technology.

Optimal identification discrete systems based on statistical linearization
V.M. Chubich

Some theoretical and applied aspects for optimal parametric estimation of the stochastic nonlinear discrete systems based on statistical linearization are considered for the first time. Original results are obtained in the case that the parameters of mathematical models to be estimated appear in the state and control equations, as well as the initial condition and the covariance matrices of the dynamic noise and measurement errors. An example of optimal parameter estimation for one model structure is shown.

Keywords: parameter estimation, information matrix, statistical linearization, optimality criteria

Interchange of transmission rate and complexity of the source coder continuous signal
A.K. Tsytsulin, Sh. S. Fakhmi

There are offered an effectiveness criterion of continuous messages source encoding in view of coder complexity and a functional, knotting the accuracy of continuous signal transmission with transmission rate and coder complexity, going back to their average harmonic. On concrete examples is shown the correctness of the offered method of the estimation of efficiency of approximation to an epsilon-enthropy of various methods of image encoding

Keywords: code rate, complexity of encoding, quality criterion of encoding


Cloud computing technologies in mathematical simulation
G.A. Tarnavsky

The different aspects of using of cloud computing technologies for conducting of scientific investigations, engineering and distance education are considered. The analysis of problems bases on an experience of functioning of SciShop.ru computer simulation Center.

Keywords: information technologies, Internet, Cloud Computing, computer simulation.


Planning in modern managerial system by production
Yu. M. Solomencev, R.R. Zagidullin, E.B. Frolov

In article presents questions of the planning for development automations system enterprise. In article also presets the prospects and problems modern systems, as well as their functions. It is presented authors concept hostless systems with such subsystems as  ERP, APS, MES, SCADA. Presents questions reduction  duration of the cycle production output as problem of the planning on stage of the life cycle to product. The considered particularities of the shop planning by means of systems of the class MES. The presented motivation of need of the models of the planning with several servicing device.

Keywords: planning, decentralization, ERP, APS, MES, SCADA, life cycle to product, shop planning, law of the distribution Dzhuran-Pareto,  servicing device, diagram of Gantt.

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