

Effective fact storage organization for ontology
A.A. Levkov

A method of description logic terminological box translation to hierarchical relational data structures is proposed. It provides using terminological part of ontology as data integrity constraints and data scheme description.

Keywords: ontology, description logic, database, relational model, hierarchical relational model, data integrity constraints.

X-ray nanomaterial diffractometry data processing in the distributed environment of restful services
V.V. Voloshinov, V.S. Neverov

We present a distributed application for interpreting the data on X-ray diffractometry of carbonaceous nanomaterials using a distributed environment of RESTful services “MathCloud”, which includes hard parallel calculations of scattering curves for individual nanostructures with subsequent solution of optimization problems to determine the most probable topological and size distribution of nanostructures.

Keywords: RESTful services, distributed computing, optimization, experimental data processing, nanomaterials, X-ray diffraction.

Problems of input data analysis in the system of biological monitoring
Samokhina A.S.

Excerption of emergency incidents from the dataflow received during biological monitoring is of the utmost importance for development of the decision making support system aimed to prevent, counteract and eradicate consequences of biological emergencies. For incidents’ identification we use both visible and latent parameters and their interference. Here we consider an example of specification language to construct monitor program for particular case.

Keywords: Computer systems to support decision making, emergency situations, specification language, monitoring, processing of input data.


Stochastical Micro- and Macrodynamics of Spatial Economic Exchage.
Yu.S. Popkov

Mathematical models of economic agents and interactions among there are proposed. We have form the conditions trajectories belonging to the subsets of the phase space. The procedure of transformation of the agent’s microstates into the macrostate is formed. This procedure uses Monte Carlo method and the methods of the entropic estimation.

Keywords: micro- and macrodynamics, macrosystem, stochastic processes, method Monte Carlo, entropy, simulation.

Algorithm and software for computing the exact boundaries of the stability of nonlinear discrete systems
A.S. Aliev, A.I. Barkin

The paper describes the calculation algorithm for the maximal area of absolute stability,
restricting the non-linearity in the nonlinear discrete system. Method of harmonic balance
on the elements of a trigonometric polynomial is used. Software for the stability analysis of nonlinear discrete systems is described.

Keywords: calculation algorithms, nonlinear control systems, pulse systems,
absolute stability, frequency response.

Quantitative estimations of algorithms’ informative response
V. А. Goloveshkin , V. N. Petrushin, M. V. Ulyanov

Complexity function quantitative estimations of algorithms’ informative response and their usage peculiarities are regarded in presented article. A new symmetrical in probability density quantitative estimation of informative response is proposed. Experimental data on complexity values relative frequencies for substring in string - search algorithm, their beta function approximation and results of comparative analysis for proposed and existing estimations are presented.

Keywords: algorithms, algorithms’ estimations, informative response, quantitative estimations of informative response.


Universality of algorithmic prediction for extremes of time series
A. B. Shapoval, M. G. Shnirman

Based on the precursor applied for prediction of strong earthquakes the paper constructs the algorithm forecasting when extreme events occur in sand-pile models. These seismic models, due to permanent loading of stress and rare instantaneous stress release exhibiting scale invariance, explain self-organized criticality of seismic process on a model level. The constructed algorithm is shown to be equally effective for activation and anti-activation scenarios of large model events. Modified type I and type II errors are applied as a measure of efficiency.

Keywords: prediction algorithm, sand-pile, scenario of large events.

 Object-oriented modeling of the automated system of integration of the open virtual laboratory complexes
S.A. Zhukova, D.E. Germanyuk

This article is concerned with the application of the object-oriented modeling of the distributed information system of integration of the information resources in science and education. We define the key system requirements and the steps of the structural modeling: base models and their purposes, analysis and results. The example of some models in UML 2.0 notation is given, developed with the use of the CASE Rational Software Architect 8.0.

Keywords: distributed systems, integration, virtual laboratories, open systems technology, object-oriented modeling, architecture of information systems, model.

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