Высокопроизводительные вычислительные системы
Обработка информации


Development of the Supercomputing and Distributed Computing Infrastructure in the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Yu.I. Shokin, M.P. Fedoruk, D.L. Chubarov, A.V. Yurchenko

The paper presents a review of the current state of high performance computing and data processing infrastructure in the departments of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and some other academic organizations in the Siberian region. Creating the infrastructure for high performance and distributed computing, data storage and processing is a multiphase process that includes building the resource centers and networks, and, certainly, working with current and potential users to learn and to satisfy their needs. In the paper one can find the list of academic datacenters and their resources, state of some network development projects in the area, and information on some activities in the field of distributed computing and data processing.

Keywords: Cyberinfrastructure of science, high-performance and distributed computing, supercomputing center for collective use, network


Development and implementation of the new method of reverse links index data storage
O.G. Grigoriev, M.A. Sheerai

Problems of reverse links index (RLI) data storage for thematic internet-rank calculating system are being examined in this article. Common data storage methods examination criterions are being specified. The advantages and disadvantages of various ways of data storing are being considered and analyzed with regard to RLI data storage. The development of the new method of storing of the RLI data and its implementation for the FAT32 file system are described. A comparison and analyze of these methods are given in this article. The best solution is given.

Keywords: internet, SE, link ranking, reverse links index, data storage, FAT32.

A query language for graph-based data organization. General concept and its realization
K.B. Potapov

The article considers a query language designed for a graph-based data organization and capable to integration into SQL. It contains common requirements for such language, base point of its program realization and concise description of program realization developed in IPI RAN and named GSQL.

Keywords: query language, graph database, object-oriented database


Software quality measurement systems being important for the npp safety
E.Ph. Jharko

During the last decade, automated process control systems (APCS) have achieved a qualitatively new level of the development; and a consequence of the progress is considerable complication of the APCS software and its life cycle. In 2000, at the V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICS RAS), software complexes for perspective NPP APCS has been elaborated The required life cycle of the total APCS is not less than 30 years, what leads to a necessity of developing and implementing comprehensive procedures on maintaining and modification of the software complexes. In the paper, an experience gathered in the ICS RAS on maintaining NPP APCS software, assuring quality of the updated program code and forecasting of costs of its modification and maintenance is presented.

Keywords: NPP, control systems, systems being important for the safety, software, quality.

Intelligent algorithms of power grid’s state identification
N.N. Bakhtadze, V.A. Lototsky, E.M. Maximov, N.E. Maximova

A technology for estimating the dynamics of power grid’s generating facilities participation in overall primary frequency regulation in contingencies is developed based on frequency and generating capacity time series. The paper discusses process identification algorithms based on virtual fuzzy models design using process data archives and knowledge bases. Associative search methods are used for identification algorithms development.

Keywords: process identification, knowledgebase, associative search models, soft sensors


A method of computer-assisted medical image analysis
N.E. Kosykh, S.I. Smagin, V.V. Gostushkin, S.Z. Savin, K.A. Litvinov

A computer-assisted diagnosis system for the diagnosis of skeletal metastases based on planar scintigraphy data has been developed. It is based on the principles of image recognition and has the function of expert analysis. The system includes skeleton image segmentation, calculation of textural, histogram and morphometric parameters and the creation of a training set. The classifying function is based on the method of supporting vectors, and the reliability of the classifying function has been determined with the help of predicted latent variables of classifier.

Keywords: computer-aided diagnosis (CAD), skeletal metastases,  planar bone scintigraphy,  image recognition.


Prediction technique for reducing delays within moving in wireless networks
B.A. Shuvaev

The article discusses a prediction technique for reducing delays when clients are moving from one cell to another in wireless networks. The proposed technique is based on time series analysis to obtain an ordered list by probability of all possible transitions to select next access point without scanning and ultimately it significantly decreases time of the transition.

Keywords: access point, frequency, ns2 (network simulator v.2), prediction, scanning, time series, wireless networks.

Method of virtual prospect in computing technologies of mathematical modeling of “fuzzy” problems
A.V. Myshev

Substantive provisions and principles of a method virtual prospect in methodology of design and implementation computing technologies of mathematical modeling  fuzzy problems are stated and formulated. A basis of a developed method make: the theory of virtual lattices, models of active memory and processes with local information interaction in the virtual information environment of modeling. Solutions of modeled problems are under construction in the form of complexes on cellular topology of quantum discrete spaces (lattice, counts)

Keywords: method of virtual prospect, technology modeling, model active memory, fuzzy problems, virtual information environment, computing.

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