T.B. Tyurbeeva, G.D. Volkova, O.G. Grigoriev Analysis of normative support of the life cycle processes of automated systems |
Abstract. The existing approaches to the creation of automated systems were considered in the paper and their features and prospects of use are revealed. The analyzes of normative support of the processes of their creation and development was performed, which out on the basis of national practice (standard of the 34 complex and its associated standards), international practice (ISO/IEC 12207 and its associated standards) and practice of methodology of automation of intellectual labor was carried. The formal description of the process of functioning of automated systems through dedicated practices were submitted. Keywords: automated system, normative support, life cycle, methodology of automation of intellectual labor, semantic modeling, analysis of textual information. PP. 78-92. REFERENCES 1. Volkova, G.D., O.V. Novoselova and O.G. Grigoriev. 2014. 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