N.L. Prokhorov, A.K. Kim, G.A. Egorov To the 60th anniversary of the I.S. Brook Institute of Electronic Control Computers
N.L. Prokhorov, A.K. Kim, G.A. Egorov To the 60th anniversary of the I.S. Brook Institute of Electronic Control Computers


The main stages in development of the Institute of Electronic Control Computers during sixty years of its existence are considered in this paper. The basic models of controlling computer systems, developed at the institute are presented. Creating and large-scale industrial production of small-computer system SM EVM have founded the technological base of automation control and information processing in varies branches of industry of the country.


INEUM – Institute of Electronic Control Computers, automatic digital M-1, M-2 computers, the concept of the controlling computer, control computers, small-computer system (SM EVM), software of the SM EVM, real-time control.

PP. 3-15.

DOI 10.14357/20718632180301 


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