D. I. Chitalov Development of a module for numerical simulation of combustion problems and its integration into the interface of the OpenFOAM environment
D. I. Chitalov Development of a module for numerical simulation of combustion problems and its integration into the interface of the OpenFOAM environment

This work summarizes the results of research in the field of expanding the source code of the interface of the software environment (SE) OpenFOAM, aimed at providing a specialist with access to numerical experiments for problems of compressible premixed / partially premixed combustion. The study is focused on studying the features of setting up numerical experiments in the field of combustion and developing a source code that provides the preparation of service files that determine the parameters of the simulated problems and the launch of the corresponding utilities and programs of the OpenFOAM solvers. A description of the PDRMesh utility and the PDRFoam solver program used to simulate combustion problems is given. The structure of the PDRMeshDict dictionary file with combustion parameters is presented, a description of the parameters and examples of their values are given. The work formulates the tasks necessary to achieve this goal, defines a stack of development tools, including technologies for describing the logic of the application, its graphical component, data storage system. The modified version of the application has been tested on the example of one of the fundamental problems of continuum mechanics (CM) included in the OpenFOAM distribution. In the conclusion, the completed tasks are described, conclusions are formulated about the practical value of the research, as well as the provisions that determine the scientific novelty of the research.


numerical simulation, continuum mechanics, graphical user interface, OpenFOAM, open source software, PDRMesh utility, PDRFoam solver.

PP. 58-66.

DOI 10.14357/20718632210206

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