T. R. MaximovaI, K. B. Bulatov "Reducing Errors and Computational Load in Road Scene Text Recognition"
T. R. MaximovaI, K. B. Bulatov "Reducing Errors and Computational Load in Road Scene Text Recognition"

This paper focuses on the problem of reduction of the computation load for road scene text recognition by making a stopping decision which cuts off further recognition. The contribution of the paper is the construction of stopping rules for real-time text recognition systems with results combination, with an experimental evaluation on an open dataset RoadText-1k. We found that for fast-working systems the ROVER (Recognizer Output Voting Error Reduction) combination method and majority voting are best for Levenshtein and direct match metrics respectively, however, with an increase of per-frame processing time, ROVER becomes consistently better. Furthermore, while the selection of a single most focused frame is the worst strategy for fast-working systems, its comparative rank increases with the increase of processing time. Moreover, choosing one most focused frame and combining three most focused frames are preferable for fast-working systems when decreasing load on the device is needed.


Combination method, Reducing computational load, Real-time recognition, Road scene analysis, Text recognition, Video stream recognition.

DOI 10.14357/20718632240301


PP. 3-15.


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