P. V. Bezmaternykh Text Image Normalization Using Fast Hough Transform
P. V. Bezmaternykh Text Image Normalization Using Fast Hough Transform

The tasks of text image normalization arise simultaneously in several modules of the automatic document image recognition system. The paper presents a solution for two classical tasks of geometric normalization of a digital text image: compensation for the global document skew angle and slant elimination for its textual fragments. For both tasks, which differ in the type of geometric distortions, the solution is based on a single method of image analysis of the fast Hough transform. This method is specified and two algorithms for solving these problems are proposed, and they are tested: for the task of slant normalization – on a variety of both known dataset and on a specially collected and published dataset of Cyrillic fragments KRUS, for the task of document skew normalization – on the popular DISEC dataset. It is shown that a distinctive feature of the proposed method is high speed with the ability to process a large range of angles, and the method itself can be successfully applied in systems for automatic processing of document images.


image normalization, fast Hough transform, document image analysis.

DOI 10.14357/20718632240401 


PP. 3-16.


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