System diagnostics of socio-economic processes
L.V. Zhukovskaya Public administration of the difficult socio-economic systems on the different levels of hierarchy of in conditions of uncertainty
System analysis in medicine and biology
Methods and models of system analysis
Dynamic systems
L.V. Zhukovskaya Public administration of the difficult socio-economic systems on the different levels of hierarchy of in conditions of uncertainty


In the article offered approach to the construction and decision of case frame by the dynamics of the difficult socio-economic systems in the conditions of vagueness at non-identity in a structure and volumes of information on the different levels of hierarchy on the example of the system of social defense and support of population. Methods and technologies of research of problems are considered in a social sphere with the purpose of improvement of quality of life of population and overcoming of economic inequality.


complex systems, management, control, dynamic systems, nonstationary systems, uncertainties, risks, differential equations, hierarchy levels, population, social services, social products, social protection and citizen support.

PP. 17-25.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279180402


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