Преобразования пространственно-организованных систем
Государство и системные преобразования в экономике
Системные преобразования финансовых рынков
Системное регулирование инвестиционной среды
Диагностика социально-экономических систем и процессов

Leksin V.N. "Systems approach to soundness of trends and concrete measures in state regional policy"

State regional policy is considered as a result of development and realization of a system of purposeful modification of structure and parameters of territorial organization of society by the power institutions.

Key words: Systems approach, regional policy.


Shvetsov A.N. "On systems typologyzation in regional policy"

A typological scale is offered for state policy variants. Notions are offered and contents of general system and selective components of regional policies are disclosed.

Key words: Systems approach, typologyzation, regional policy.


Skvortzov V.V. "General plan as an instrument for town’s strategic development"

Problems of forming strategic directions in city construction of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky are considered and its position in the system of settlement. Conditions and  restrictions of city building and development, designing structure of the city and system of functional areas.

Key words: strategic planning, city’s general plan.


Bashirov E.T. "Electric energy reform and problems of regional economy sensitivity"

A method is offered in appraising consequences of electric energy reform for regions social-economic development. Results of its application are cited as an example for concrete regions and problematic areas.

Key words: regional economy, reforms in electric sector.


Sitnikov A.I. "State policy as a necessary instrument of industrial system transformation"

State policy necessity is proved and substantiated in taking care of it as an instrument of systems transformation in industry. Different approaches to development of such policy are analyzed, substantiating the author’s proposals in this field.

Key words: Systems approach, industrial policy.


Furshik M.A. "New instruments of state structural policy"

The gist of modern structural policy is analyzed, the structure and contents of its main instruments. Measures for increasing the effectiveness of structural policy in new conditions are introduced.

Key words: structural policy, instruments of state policy.


Kostjuk V.N. "About finance theory in nonclassical manner"

The classical finance theory is characterized. Its limitations in explaining new financial phenomena are shown in mass securitisation of credits and other inadequately liquid actives. A new nonclassical finance theory is offered, taking in account the difficulties of new stage in development of financial markets.

Key words: finance theory, securitization, financial markets.


Slipenchuk M.V. "Globalization of the world finance market and russian sector perspectives"

The latest globalization factor is analyzed – development of the world financial market, leading the economic development. Structure and dynamics of financial globalization are studied.

Key words: finance theory, globalization, financial markets.


Resin V.I., Tychonenkova E.V., Popkov Ju.S. "Possibility approach in regulating mutual relationship of city and investor in the process of managing investment and construction activity"

Possibility approach is developed in calculating the city part in competition selection of investment and construction project.

Key words: investments, construction projects, management.


Vladimirova I.L. "System regulation of investment and construction activity in the context of regional policy"

Investment and construction occupation is considered as a multiaspect system of economic activity, including in addition to investment process a number of conjugated measures, aimed at gaining the final effect of investment decisions.

Key words: investment and construction projects, regional policy.


Rejmer L.A. "About the nature and aims of measurement in economics"

The problem of meaning and selection of tooling for making measurements of economic processes and actualities is set forward. Disadvantages and restrictions of approaches in use are shown, requirements are formulated for construction of a modern system of measurement, adequate to a new understanding of their nature and designation.

Key words: measurements of economic processes, measurements methods.


Kuznetsova G.A. "International macroeconomic juxtaposition in asian and pacific region for the purposes of strategic planning in far eastern regions of Russia"

An approach method for estimation of comparatively effective employment of production factors is put forward. International comparison of the countries’ well-being is performed, using it. The established tendencies serve as a basis for working out proposals on strategies for development of Russia’s far-eastern regions.

Key words: strategic planning, macroeconomic parameters.


Resin V.I., Vladimirova I.L. "Systems evaluation of results in investment and construction activities"

The social-economic effects of investment and construction project are evaluated in a new manner. A systems approach to evaluation is offered, taking into account direct, indirect and additional effects of the project.

Key words: systems approach, investment and construction activities, evaluation of results.


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