Высокопроизводительные вычислительные системы

"Statistics construction algorithms for non-stationary time series analysis and forecasting"

Osminin K.P.

The numerical algorithms for construction of the horizontal statistics for any given non-stationary time series are described. The maximal interval of forecasting for given accuracy of empirical density of distribution function is determined. The algorithm of evolution of empirical density is realized for the prognosis of non-stationary quasi-distribution. The example of forecasting of financial instruments is

Keywords: Non-stationary time series, horizontal statistics, optimal set, forecasting, kinetic equations

"Data preprocessing in consideration of preset values of separate signs"

Evdokimov I.A., Gridin V.N., Solodovnikov V.I., Solodovnikov I.V.

One of situations substantially complicating process of pattern recognition, is the situation when objects from one class get in different, untied among themselves areas. Therefore, the problem of revealing of such areas is put in this work (subclasses for objects of each class).

Keywords: data preprocessing, classification, multicoherent areas, class, subclass, affinity measure.

"The new concept of a neural network for recognition and classification of pixel images"

Grebyonkin I.O., Magnitskii N.A., Chernyavsky A.Y.

In the work a new approach for the solving of a problem of recognition of black-and-white pixel images with use of artificial neural networks is offered. The algorithm of construction and training of artificial neural network LICS (Linear Characters Separation), concerning to multilayered perceptrons or perceptrons with the hidden layers is considered. The given algorithm has a number of advantages, among which - the minimal number of established parameters and, as consequence, an opportunity of work of algorithm in the whole class of tasks without preliminary 'adjustment' for each specific task, and also its presentation and simplicity.
Keywords: pixel image, neural network, perceptron, learning algorithm.

"Semantic Relatedness Measures for Wikipedia Articles and their Applications to Text Processing and Information Retrieval"

Velikhov P.E.

This paper analyzes semantic relatedness measures between Wikipedia articles and their applications in text processing and information retrieval tasks. Computational efficiency requirements that a semantic relatedness measure has to conform to in order to be useful in practical systems are formulated. Two distinct computational problems for using semantic relatedness measures are identified: computing semantic relatedness between a pair of articles and ranking all articles with respect to a query article. Heuristic methods are presented for a class of semantic relatedness measures that enable efficient computation of both problems. Experiments were conducted to validate the proposed approach. Applications of the proposed measure and techniques are presented in the context of Texterra system.

Keywords: Semantic Relatedness, Wikipedia, Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval

"Context-Aware Decision Support in Distributed Information Environment"

Smirnov A.V., Pashkin M.P., Shilov N.G., Levashova T.V., Kashevnik A.M.

The paper presents results of the research devoted to building context-aware decision support systems intended for functioning in distributed information environments. In the framework of this reserach an approach to operational information integration in the context of the current situation is proposed. The information to be integrated is considered to be received from heterogeneous sources located in the distributed environment. The approach relies upon usage of an ontology model for knowledge representation. The ontology is specified by means of the formalism of object-oriented constraint networks

Keywords: context-aware decision support systems, context, ontology, object-oriented constraint networks

"Management the risks of security of a transport infrastructural"

Stislavskiy A.B.

Methodology of management the risks of transport security breach is considered. It based on authentication and categorization objects of a transport infrastructure, making and control of implementation of complex of requirements providing of a transport safety of object.

Keywords: risk management, types of defense, protected of object, level of protected, reliability of defense.

"Structures in Recognition"

Pestryakova N.V.

Are stated results of the analysis of a method for character recognition, based on polynomial regression, at recognition of hand-printed digits. Concepts small-, medium-and large-scale phenomena are entered in the description of the method of recognition. The existence of structures is shown at the medium-and large-scale levels.

Keywords: character recognition, polynomial regression, hand-printed digit, structure

"Calibration of urban environment images"

Bobkov V.A., Ronshin Y. I., Kudryashov A.P.

A technique of calibration on urban environment image sequences is proposed. This technique is based on dominant feature of such scenes - parallelism and orthogonality of lines. The described computing circuit covers automatic images vectoring with picking calibration lines set and extrinsic calibration determination at both known and unknown camera focus. The main feature of technique is a decomposition extrinsic calibration with realization of alternative local decisions. Results of tests on synthetic and real data are presented.

Keywords: urban environment images, calibration, vanishing points estimation, epipolar geometry, optimization.

"Design Methodology of Graphics Controller"

Evlampiev B.E.

The paper contains design methodology of high speed integrated circuits with complex structure. This methodology allows to reach performance of full custom design with the help optimal CAD synthesis and full custom design of specific blocks. Represented methodology enable to give an opportunity to reduce design time by factor of three for graphics controller in comparison with full custom design.)

Keywords: graphics controller, synthesis methodology, hierarchical design

"On approach to production of wide format bright images"

Torchigin A.V.

Possible ways of using last technological achievements in manufacturing light sources and electronics for image production are considered. It is shown that orientation on moving power LEDs enables to increase essentially brightness and resolution of the images as well as to use several projectors for production of the same image.

Keywords: digital projector, LED screen, dynamic light advertisment

"The role of venture capital in the creation of information technology industry during the 1980s"

Ammosov Yu.P.

The study review the influence of venture investment on the creation of leading companies in information technologies sector in 1980s. A definition of venture capital and affiliated concepts is introduced.

Keywords: venture, investments, entrepreneurship, information technology, computers, software, startup

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