E.T. Dundikov, A.V. Chepelev, A.N. Belov The adaptive methods of formalization and representation of knowledge about condition of dynamic systems |
Abstract.The content of the information and methodological support of the decision making process for the management of the state of dynamic systems. Proposed uniform composition and consistency of the procedures of formalization and representation of knowledge about the state of the controlled object, with a view to ensuring prompt adaptation of the capabilities of different monitoring tools in the time scale close to real. Keywords: comprehensive monitoring, color codes the image of the state of the object, dynamic objects and systems, information and methodological platform, the test object, the monitoring tool, hardware configuration, intellectual autonomy, experimental test base, knowledge base, rule base, integraldifferential form, the matrix of the actual status. PP. 50-63. REFERENCES 1. Potapov A.A., Gulyaev Yu.V., Nikitov S.A., Pakhomov A.A., German V. A. Noveyshie metody obrabotki izobrazheniy. -M.: FIZMATLIT, 2008. - 496 s. 2. Levshin V.L. Biokiberneticheskie optiko-elektronnye ustroystva avtomaticheskogo raspoznavaniya izobrazheniy. -M.: Mashinostroenie, 1987. – 176 s., S. 7-44. 3. Lifanov Yu.S., Sablin V.N., Saltan M.I. Napravleniya razvitiya sredstv nablyudeniya za polem boya. –M.: Radiotekhnika, 2004. -64 s. 4. Dyundikov Ye.T., Kachkin A.A. Tekhnologiya dinamicheskoy integratsii i predstavleniya raznorodnykh dannykh dlya analiza i otsenki sostoyaniya mnogoparametricheskikh obektov. Informatsionnye tekhnologii. 2010, №2., S.66-73. 5. Ekologicheskiy monitoring: shag za shagom. Ye.V. Venitsianov i dr., pod redaktsiey Ye.A. Zaika. -M.: RKhTU im. D.I. Mendeleeva, 2003g. -252 s., S.12-47. 6. Sposob kompleksnogo kontrolya sostoyaniya mnogoparametricheskogo obekta po raznorodnoy izmeritelnoy informatsii. Patent RF №2459245. 7. Gaskarov D.V., Golinkevich T.A., Mozgalevskiy A.V. Prognozirovanie tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya i nadezhnosti radioelektronnoy apparatury. -M.: Sov.radio, 1974. - 224 s. 8. Gordienko V.A. Vektorno-fazovye metody v akustike. -M.: FIZMATLIT, 2007. -480 s., S. 417-473. 9. Malinetskiy G.G. Matematicheskie osnovy sinergetiki: Khaos, struktury, vychislitelnyy eksperiment. Izd.5-e.-M.: Izdatelstvo LKI, 2007. -312 s., S. 113-173, 246-267. 10. Goldblatt R. Toposy. Kategornyy analiz logiki. Per. s angl.- M., Mir, 1983. – 488 s.; S. 30-58. 11. Smolin D.V. Vvedenie v iskusstvennyy intellekt: konspekt lektsiy. -2-e izd., pererab. -M.: FIZMATLIT, 2007. - 264 s.; S. 25-127, 130-187. 12. Rutkovskiy Leshek. Metody i tekhnologii iskusstvennogo intellekta /Per. s polsk. I.D. Rudinskogo. –M.: Goryachaya liniya – Telekom, 2010. -520 s.