I.M. Aleshin, K.I. Kholodkov, V.G. Getmanov, V.N. Koryagin Grid-backed web-app integration framework
I.M. Aleshin, K.I. Kholodkov, V.G. Getmanov, V.N. Koryagin Grid-backed web-app integration framework


In this contribution, the grid integration platform designed to simplify the development of web applications that make use of distributed computing (grid) is described. The core of this software consists of several modules that implement interaction with grid that implies authentication, data exchange and result visualization. Custom APIs are used to link application with distributed computing resources. The platform is specifically designed for numerical solution of large number of weakly-coupled simple tasks. This paper also describes an application that was built with this platform.


grid application, SOA, middleware, framework, time-spectral analysis, poly-frequency model

PP. 84-95.


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