V.N. Gridin, V.I. Anisimov, S.A. Vasilev Methods of component interaction of the distributed computer aided circuit design systems based on WebSocket protocol
V.N. Gridin, V.I. Anisimov, S.A. Vasilev Methods of component interaction of the distributed computer aided circuit design systems based on WebSocket protocol


We discuss advantages and shortcomings of the application of distributed architectures for the development of web-enabled circuitry automated design engineering systems. Advantages of the application of the WebSocket in distributed systems and communication methods among components (nodes) in such systems by full-duplex communication protocol (RFC 6455) are described. We give several examples of using WebSocketSharp library for message exchange between two servers. Also we consider the FLECK library for creation of the listening server’s component.


the protocol of full-duplex communication of WebSocket (RFC 6455 standard), a circuitry CAD, distributed system, WebSocketSharp, FLECK, difficult structured data.

PP. 62-67. 


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