P.A. Kurnikov, D.L. Sholomov, A.V. Panchenko The system for foggy road scenes detection based on the ensemble of classifiers
P.A. Kurnikov, D.L. Sholomov, A.V. Panchenko The system for foggy road scenes detection based on the ensemble of classifiers


In ADAS (advanced driving assistance system) it is extremely important to be able to identify various weather conditions, especially conditions with low visibility. In this paper, we consider a real-time system for foggy road scenes detection in a video stream from a monocular camera. The system uses an ensemble (committee) of several basic classifiers. A basic classifier is an algorithm based on computer vision which allows you to divide road scenes into several classes of weather conditions, such as rain, snow, fog. Each of the basic classifiers of the system operates with a unique feature space, which makes the system essentially more rigid. The system is a part of the ADAS complex and is used to recommend the speed regime in conditions of reduced visibility. The article presents the results of the experiments.


fog detection, weather conditions recognition, ADAS systems, random forest, committee method, intensity histogram, Laplace operator, discrete Fourier transform, JPEG compression.

PP. 70-77.


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