V. I. Anisimov, S. A. Vasilev, O. B. Tarasova Review of the innovative directions development of a circuitry CAD
V. I. Anisimov, S. A. Vasilev, O. B. Tarasova Review of the innovative directions development of a circuitry CAD


Considers the urgency of development of the circuit design CAD. Are the benefits of using a web based user interface for the universalization of the used platforms (computing devices including the operating system). Describes the advantages of using distributed system to create a circuit design CAD system components and their functionality. Specifies the methods to increase the interactivity and speed of the user interface. Given the advantages of using a data exchange Protocol and the WebSocket application of object-oriented JavaScript interface. Describes the principles of organization and storage of user data.


circuit CAD, distributed systems, JavaScript, interactive interface, WebSocket, difficult structured data.

PP. 103-108.


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