A.V. Solovyev, N.B. Bakanova Problems of long-term safety of big data |
Abstract. This article describes and systematizes the problems of long-term preservation of big data. It is shown that to ensure the safety of large amounts of digital data, it is possible to use distributed registry technologies. A formal formulation of the problem of ensuring the long-term safety of big data has been made. The possible areas of application of the solution of the preservation problem are briefly described. Keywords: digital economy, long-term preservation, big data, distributed registries, reliability PP. 44-53. DOI 10.14357/20718632190205 References 1. Program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”. Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation at July 28, 2017. № 1632-r. M.:2017 – 88 p. 2. Izmenilsya srok hraneniya dokumentov po lichnomu sostavu [Changed the storage period of documents on the staff], [Electronic resource] – Access mode: https://its.1c.ru/news/131651 - 2019.03.29. 3. 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