A. V. Maltsev Methods for simulation of light effects and video signal distortions in virtual surveillance devices |
Abstract. The paper presents distributed methods and approaches for visualizing images of threedimensional scenes by means of virtual cameras, which allow to simulate a number of lighting effects, noises and distortions that can be observed when real surveillance devices are used. Considered solutions are based on applying the capabilities of modern graphics cards with multi-core GPUs, which ensures an implementation of rendering in real-time. Keywords: virtual environment, three-dimensional scene, virtual camera, signal distortion, visualization, graphics card, real time. PP. 54-61. DOI 10.14357/20718632190206 References 1. Brian A. Barsky, Daniel R. Horn, Stanley A. Klein, Jeffrey A. Pang, Meng Yu. Camera models and optical systems used in computer graphics: part I, object-based techniques // In Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Computational science and its applications. 2003. pp. 246-255. 2. Brian A. Barsky, Daniel R. Horn, Stanley A. Klein, Jeffrey A. Pang, Meng Yu. Camera models and optical systems used in computer graphics: part II, object-based techniques // In Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Computational science and its applications. 2003. pp. 256-265. 3. Kučiš M., Zemčík P. Simulation of Camera Features // In Proceedings of the 16th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics. 2012. pp. 117-123. 4. Sistema vizualizatsii Seagull [Visualization system Seagull]. Available at: http://www.transas.ru/products/Seagull (accessed April 05, 2019) 5. Unity. Available at: https://unity3d.com/ru (accessed April 05, 2019).