O.S. Grin, L.A. Reingold, E.A. Reingold, A.V. Solovyev Life Cycle of Legal Activity in the Context of the Development of Digital Technologies
O.S. Grin, L.A. Reingold, E.A. Reingold, A.V. Solovyev Life Cycle of Legal Activity in the Context of the Development of Digital Technologies
The paper discusses issues related to changes in legal activities caused by the development of society’s infrastructure in the context of the introduction of digital technologies. The life cycle of a legal norm is detailed. The directions of research on the development of the regulatory framework in the context of the widespread digitalization of modern society are proposed. 

Keywords: legal norm, normative legal act, life cycle of a legal norm, digitalization, information object. 

PP. 10-20.

DOI 10.14357/20718632200202 

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