A. G. Abramov, A. A. Gonchar, A. V. Evseev, B. M. Shabanov Development of Criteria for Connecting Scientific and Educational Organizations to the National Research Computer Network
A. G. Abramov, A. A. Gonchar, A. V. Evseev, B. M. Shabanov Development of Criteria for Connecting Scientific and Educational Organizations to the National Research Computer Network

The paper is devoted to the development of basic principles and criteria for connecting of scientific organizations and institutions of higher education of the Russian Federation to the New Generation National Research Computer Network (NIKS), created as a result of the integration of sectoral networks RUNNet and RASNet. General information and some statistics about the current user base of NIKS are given. The discussed criteria and indicators used in their formation take into account the current and pending approval documents of strategic planning in the field of science and education, digital development, are coordinated with the current methods and results of assessing the activities of organizations. The criteria have been taken into account in the development of the Concept and the Roadmap for the functioning and development of NIKS for 2021-2024, where, in particular, the main areas of work planned for implementation and the corresponding activities, the geographical location of the backbone and regional network nodes created, promising approaches to ensuring advanced development of the infrastructure and service platform of the network.


new generation national research computer network, NIKS, national research and education network, NREN, user base, connection criteria, leading research and educational organizations, supercomputer centers.

PP. 22-33.

DOI 10.14357/20718632210203

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