B.T. Kabulov The Mask Pictogram as a Means of the Data Visualization
B.T. Kabulov The Mask Pictogram as a Means of the Data Visualization

The new method of data visualization is offered. This metod is that the multidimensional points are visualized by mask. It is the further development of Chernoff Faces technique. Unlike  Chernoff Faces the form and sizes of elements of image do not change in pictogram "Mask". The fillings of elements are changes only. This particularity of "Mask" allows to exclude the emotional background, which in the case of Chernoff Faces obstructs the objective estimation of the state of the analysed object. 


Data mining, visualization, icon plots, Chernoff faces, interval estimate 

PP. 26-37.

DOI 10.14357/20718632210403 

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