A. R. Mukhutdinov, M. G. Efimov, Z. R. Vakhidova Neural Network Simulation of Detonation Process of Hexide Mixture with Inert Fillers |
In this work, a neural network modeling of the detonation process of a mixed explosive with various inert fillers was carried out on the basis of modern information technologies. Using a computational experiment with the developed neural network model, the features of the influence of the density of the mixed explosive, the nature of the filler and its amount on the nature of the change in the detonation velocity have been established. Optimal formulations have been proposed to ensure the maximum detonation speed.
artificial neural network, simulation, software module, detonation, mixed explosive, inert fillers.
PP. 83-90.
DOI 10.14357/20718632210408 References
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