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Mathematical problems of dynamics of inhomogeneous systems
A.A. Zatsarinny, A.P. Suchkov A systematic approach to goal setting in the processes of digital transformation
Information Technology
System analysis in medicine and biology
Applied aspects in informatics
A.A. Zatsarinny, A.P. Suchkov A systematic approach to goal setting in the processes of digital transformation

In this article, based on the generalization of the results obtained earlier, the authors propose systematic approaches to goal-setting for the implementation of digital transformation in the new conditions of a tough sanctions policy against Russia with an illustration of some examples. A systematic approach to the digitalization of management processes allows us to formulate the main technological stages of their automation, which allows us to conclude about the central role of goal-setting processes. Taking into account such a systematic view of goal-setting makes it possible to form a full-fledged system of goals for the processes of digital transformation of the Russian Federation. A systematic approach is especially important when implementing a digital public administration system, when creating which it is necessary to implement such processes as the formation of a system of goals, the formation of planning indicators for a period of time, the definition of sets of monitoring objects for the implementation of management system goals.


digital transformation, management system, goal setting, public functions, public services.

PP. 48-58.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279220306


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