Dynamical Systems
Computer analysis of texts
N.L. Avanesyan, O.V. Gubina, A.M. Chepovskiy Corpus analysis methods for study of texts of prose literary works by various authors
Methods and models of system analysis
Risk management and safety
System analysis in medicine and biology
N.L. Avanesyan, O.V. Gubina, A.M. Chepovskiy Corpus analysis methods for study of texts of prose literary works by various authors

This article is devoted to the application of corpora analysis mathematical methods for the research of Russian fiction texts. A corpus of prose texts of Russian XIX century fiction, consisting of five subcorpora, has been created for the research. Each subcorpora contains texts of one certain author. Using the example of the created corpora, the possibilities of using the correspondence analysis method integrated into the TXM platform as one of the tools of the statistical research method are demonstrated. As another method, we consider the analysis of pairwise rank correlation coefficients to compare the frequency characteristics of texts of different subcorps. The methods described give correlated results and make it possible to identify differentiating features. The methods described give correlated results and make it possible to identify differentiating features. The described method can be used both for linguistic and literary studies and for creating appropriate training text sets for artificial intelligence tasks.


corpus linguistics, TXM platform, correspondence analysis, correlation analysis.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279240204 


PP. 25-32.

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