A.V. Solovyev Electronic archives: development of mathematical models of electronic documents for long-term storage |
Abstract. The article discusses the development of a mathematical model of an electronic document for long-term storage. The article defines the desired composition and structure of information for long-term storage of electronic documents. We present decomposition model developed by an electronic document to highlight components of general information. This article is intended to create a theoretical basis for long-term storage of electronic documents. Keywords: Electronic document management, electronic archives, electronic document management system, electronic document, long-term storage. PP. 46-61. REFERENCES 1. Akimova, G.P. Analytical approach to solving the problem of monitoring of information space / G.P. Akimova, M.A. Pashkin // High availability systems. – 2006 – №3-4, Part.2 – P.44-50. 2. Akimova, G.P. Modern automated processing technology of heterogeneous information flows / G.P. Akimova, D.S. Bogdanov, I.V. Musatov, M.A. Pashkin, D.V. Soldatov, N.V. 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