K. S. Ginsberg Topical issues on structure identification scientific methodology development and its mathematical support |
Abstract.The Introduction highlights the topical problem of structure identification streamlining as a part of technical practice of automatic control systems development. Key hypotheses for research of structure identification scientific methodology development are suggested. Justification of development of detailed system-functional reference model of structure identification subject behavior as the basis for scientific methodology is considered. The architecture of scientific methodology is defined. Section 1 contains justification of necessity and urgency of formation of scientific methodology interdisciplinary notions. The basic content of interdisciplinary notion about rational structure identification is revealed. Section 2 discusses a problem of development and research of methods of choice of the most preferable model structure from the given set of model structures. A brief analytical review of the researches on this problem is presented. Conclusion contains information about modern stage of structure identification development research. In addition justification of structure identification interdisciplinary applied researches for the purpose of creation of practical automatic control systems is considered. Keywords: technical object, mathematical modeling, system identification, structure identification, methodology, review. PP. 43-52. References1. Rotach, V.Ja., V.F Kuzishhin, A.S. Kljuev, S.I. Lejkin, and V.K. Jarygin. 1984. Avtomatizacija nastrojki sistem upravlenija [Automation of adjustment of control systems]. Moscow: Jenergoatomizdat Publs. 272 p. 2. Ginsberg, K.S. 2012. Koncepcija nauchnogo proektirovanija inzhenernogo modelirovanija dlja slabo izuchennyh ob#ektov upravlenija: novyj podhod k problemam strukturnoj identifikacii [A conception of scientific design of engineering modeling for mildly studied control plants: a new approach to structure identification problems]. Trudy IX Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii “Identifikacija sistem i zadachi upravlenija” SICPRO ’12 [IXth Conference (International) “System Identification and Control Problems” SICPRO ’12 Proceedings]. Moscow. 1 CD-ROM. 802–828. 3. Zherebilo, T.V. 2010. Slovar' lingvisticheskih terminov [The dictionary of linguistic terms]. Nazran: OOO «Pilgrim» Publs. 486 p. 4. Obuhov, V.L., Ju.N. Solonin, V.P. Sal'nikov, and V.V. Vasil'kova, eds. 2003. Filosofija i metodologija poznanija [Philosophy and methodology of knowledge]. Saint Petersburg: Fond podderzhki nauki i obrazovanija v oblasti pravoohranitel'noj dejatel'nosti «Universitet» Publs. 560 p. 5. Ginsberg, K.S. 2016. K probleme razrabotki metodologii strukturnoj identifikacii dlja proektirovanija sistem avtomaticheskogo upravlenija [To the problem of development of methodology of structure identification for designing of automatic control systems]. Informacionnye tehnologii i vychislitel'nye sistemy [Information Technologies and Computing Systems] 4:44–52. 6. Perel’man, I.I. 1983. Methodology of selecting the model structure for plant identification Automation and Remote Control. 44(11):1389–1408. 7. Mallows, C.L. 1973. Some comments of .Technometrics. 15(4):661–675. 8. Vapnik, V.N., T.G. Glazkova, V.A. Koshheev, A.I. Mihal'skij, and A.Ja. Chervonenkis. 1984. Algoritmy i programmy vosstanovlenija zavisimostej [Algorithms and programs of restoration of dependences]. Moscow: Science Publs. 816 p. 9. Prangishvili, I.V., V.A. Lotockij, K.S. Ginsberg, and V.V.Smoljaninov. 2004. Identifikacija sistem i zadachi upravlenija: na puti k sovremennym sistemnym metodologijam [System identification and control problems: on the way to modern system methodologies]. Problemy upravlenija [Sontrol Sciences] 4:2–15. 10. Eykhoff, P. 1984. Identification Theory: Practical Implications and Limitations. Proceeding of the 4th IMEKO Symposium on Measurement and Estimation. Bressanone (Brixen). VI-XVI. 11. Rajbman, N.S., and V.M Chadeev. 1975. Postroenie modelej processov proizvodstva [Models construction of production processes]. Moscow: Energy Publs. 376 p. 12. Anisimov, S.A., V.N. Dyn'kin, A.D. Kasavin, V.A. Lotockij, N.S. Rajbman, and V.M. Chadeev. 1978. Osnovy upravlenija tehnologicheskimi processami [Bases of control of technological processes]. Moscow: Science Publs. 440 p. 13. Ljung, L. 1987. System Identification: Theory the User. N. J.: Prentice Hall. 519 p. 14. Ginsberg, K.S. System Laws and Identification Theory. Automation and Remote Control. 2002. 63(5):838-849.