V.M. Khachumov Optimization of periodic information processing in systems with the reconstructed structure. Part 2
V.M. Khachumov Optimization of periodic information processing in systems with the reconstructed structure. Part 2


Questions of the executive units optimization fixing to phases of the periodic algorithm of information processing are considered. Statistical study to detection of heuristic criterion of quality of the periodic schedule is executed. The algorithm of optimization of fixing of processor elements to operations of a local algorithm is offered, an assessment of complexity of algorithms of creation of schedules and abbreviation of dimensionality of the task is given. Considered the problem of constructing periodic schedules for a system of local algorithms, focused on the concurrency of a set of objects, related operations, independent branches and mixed parallelism. Examples of planning of periodic schedules in devices conveyor-based are given.


periodic schedules, optimization of combination of cycles, pipeline processing

PP. 29-42.


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