E.V. Strashnov, M.A. Torgashev Suspension dynamics simulation of wheeled robots in virtual environment systems |
Abstract. One of the important and relevant areas of research is a real time simulation modeling of the wheeled robots motion in virtual environment systems. This problem leads to the wheel suspension dynamics simulation taking into account the influence of leaf springs, electric motors, etc. In this paper, the sequential impulses method for simulation of articulated bodies system is used, in which the system describes the main types of independent wheel suspensions. The proposed solution is based on the sequential impulses computation that ensure the constraints imposed on the coordinates and velocities of bodies. The developed methods and approaches for suspension dynamics simulation of wheeled robots were implemented in training complex that was created in SRISA RAS and was designed to train virtual robots control skills. Keywords: simulation modeling, wheeled robot, suspension, leaf spring, sequential impulses method, virtual environment system. PP. 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