A. V. Ilyin, V. D. Ilyin Solving Situationally Definable Linear Problems of Resource Planning: a Review of Updated Technology
A. V. Ilyin, V. D. Ilyin Solving Situationally Definable Linear Problems of Resource Planning: a Review of Updated Technology


The situational resource planning is considered as essential part of situational management. A review presents the updated technology for solving situationally definable linear problems of resource planning, including the method of resource allocation by the target displacement of solution and the method of interval cost planning. The definition of a new class of planning and management problems – the situationally definable ones – is proposed. The statement of problems is oriented to the mode of computational experiment, taking into account the dynamically changing object awareness, the conditions of the object functioning and the clarified goals of the decision makers, whose expert knowledge plays an important role. State of the managed system and the planning conditions are represented by portraits of situations. At each step of the plan search, statement of the problem is described by a system of mandatory and orienting requirements, formed on the basis of results of the situation portraits analysis. The proposed methods are designed for implementation in online services operating in the digital twins environment. An example of application of the updated technology to the situational management of electricity production is given.


situationally definable problem, portrait of situation, system of mandatory and orienting requirements, target displacement of solution, interval cost planning, situational managament of electricity generation.

PP. 99-106.

DOI 10.14357/20718632190309


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