S. S. Magazov Image Recovery on Defective Pixels of a CMOS and CCD Arrays
S. S. Magazov Image Recovery on Defective Pixels of a CMOS and CCD Arrays


The article investigates the problem of restoring a raster image on defective areas of CCD or CMOS matrices. The task of image restoration is divided into subtasks: restoration of contours and texture restoration. These problems are solved by a special image recovery machine, which uses image classification methods adapted to the task, a neural network, and image recovery methods. An original method of image restoration in the video series is proposed. The analysis of the computational complexity of the methods is fulfilled.


texture generation, discrete function approximation, image statistics, Haralik and Laws parameters, Gabor filter, neural networks.

PP. 25-40.

DOI 10.14357/20718632190303


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