M. A. Kudrov, K. D. Bukharov, E. A. Zakharov, D. R. Mahotkin, N. E. Krivoshein, N. A. Grishin, V. Semenkin Intelligent control algorithm for a group of unmanned aerial vehicles
M. A. Kudrov, K. D. Bukharov, E. A. Zakharov, D. R. Mahotkin, N. E. Krivoshein, N. A. Grishin, V. Semenkin Intelligent control algorithm for a group of unmanned aerial vehicles


This article covers the algorithm of group control of aircraft in a dynamically changing environment. The task of the group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is (the as one type of search) independent search and destruction of enemy group of vehicles in a limited space with minimal loss. The fight against groups of small aircraft in a limited space is one of the problems that have arisen in recent years in relation to the development of small unmanned aerial vehicles. Currently, it is necessary to elaborate the theoretical and practical basis in the field of ground control of unmanned aerial vehicles for the successful solution of the tasks. In order to study of algorithms of group interaction the software stand modeling air fight was developed, and the modules realizing classical and adaptive algorithms of management were prepared. There are a description of the software stand and results of the studied algorithms in the article.


mathematical model, state assessment function, utility function, genetic algorithm, group control, optimization.

PP. 3-11.

DOI 10.14357/20718632190401


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