A. S. Suleikin, N. N. Bakhtadze Architecture Models of Supply Chain Management Digital Ecosystem
A. S. Suleikin, N. N. Bakhtadze Architecture Models of Supply Chain Management Digital Ecosystem


Digitalization and its penetration into the field of supply chain management are developing rapidly, and digital ecosystems of supply chains are emerging - integrated platforms for monitoring, planning and management in the supply chain. The paper provides an overview of the main results of research on the creation of digital ecosystems in the field of supply chains, a description of the business model is presented, as well as a model of general and advanced architectural interaction of information flows between different classes of systems and within the digital ecosystem itself. The main advantages of developing such ecosystems for companies and enterprises are presented.


digital ecosystems, supply chains, ecosystem architecture model, services.

PP. 21-33.

DOI 10.14357/20718632190403


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