G. A. Kiselev Intelligent Behavior Planning System for a Coalition of Robotic Agents with STRL Architecture
G. A. Kiselev Intelligent Behavior Planning System for a Coalition of Robotic Agents with STRL Architecture

This work is devoted to the issues of software implementation of the STRL architecture of a cognitive agent for a group of robotic platforms. The problem of the synthesis of coalitional and individual spatial plans of agent behavior is considered. The results of the adaptation of the methods of the theory of the sign world model when constructing hierarchical control systems based on the mobile platform MP-RM Zarnica are presented. A number of experiments were conducted to build joint coalition plans, including actions for moving in space and for manipulating objects. 

Keywords: cognitive agents, hierarchical planning, geometric planning, pseudophysical logics, sign approach, coalitions of agents, robotics. 

PP. 21-37.

DOI 10.14357/20718632200203 

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