S.G. Chernyi, B.A. Avdeev, A.V. Vyngra Development of Simulation Model for Asynchronous Electric Drive Using Vector Control as Component of Structural Software Module
S.G. Chernyi, B.A. Avdeev, A.V. Vyngra Development of Simulation Model for Asynchronous Electric Drive Using Vector Control as Component of Structural Software Module

A mathematical simulation model of a vector control system for an induction-motor drive is developed. The simulation of the system at constant and variable shaft load is made. The complex variable load depends on the angle of rotation of the motor shaft. The simulation results showed the presence of ripples of rotational speed. It is proposed to use a neural network controller in the control system to reduce the ripple coefficient. 


AC induction motor, variable-frequency drive, non-linear load, modeling, Simulink. 

PP. 75-84.

DOI 10.14357/20718632200207 

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