S. P. Vorobyev, S. N. Shirobokova, V. A. Evsin Exchange Model of a Distributed Registry System for Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing
S. P. Vorobyev, S. N. Shirobokova, V. A. Evsin Exchange Model of a Distributed Registry System for Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing

In this paper describes aspects that should be consider when building a model for optimizing the architecture of a distributed registry (the dynamic nature of the location of network services, the generation of explosive volumes of service network traffic, the difficult-to-predict nature of heterogeneous information traffic of various IoT devices, the presence of rather complex specific intensive network interconnections and data exchange interactions when synchronizing new blocks or records, achieving cryptographic consensus and backup of full-fledged copies of the registry, the type of consensus protocol, the role of a distributed registry participant) using the concept of cloud, fog and edge computing and Internet of Things technology. The issues of the necessity of modeling information traffic in a distributed registry network as fractal are considered. A formalized formulation of the problem of minimizing information traffic and network load is presented, taking into account the  implementation of services in the environment of cloud, fog and boundary computing within the framework of building an optimal multilevel topology of the distributed registry system computing network architecture.


multilevel topology, distributed registry, cloud computing, fog computing, edge computing.

PP. 11-21.

DOI 10.14357/20718632220202

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