A. A. Zatsarinnyy, Yu. S. Ionenkov Some Issues of Using Digital Twins in the Creation of Information Systems
A. A. Zatsarinnyy, Yu. S. Ionenkov Some Issues of Using Digital Twins in the Creation of Information Systems

The article is devoted to the use of digital twins in the creation of information systems. The definition of a digital double is given, the goals and objectives of creating digital doubles, their types, as well as the principles of creation are presented. The goals and objectives of creating digital twins, their types, as well as the principles of creation are presented. The application of digital twins at various stages of the life cycle of systems and the directions of their standardization are considered. It is noted that the use of digital doubles in the creation of domestic information systems is at an early stage. The proposals on the use of digital doubles in the creation of domestic information systems are formulated.


digital twin; information system; targets; life cycle; standards of digital twins.

PP. 22-29.

DOI 10.14357/20718632220203

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