V. O. Sirotyuk Methods for Constructing and Analyzing an Ontological Model and a Master Database of a Digital Intellectual Property Fund |
The goals, objectives and principles of digital transformation of traditional intellectual property (IP) management systems, the requirements for the digital information fund of intellectual property (DIFIP), which plays a fundamental role in building a digital control body of the IP management system, and the features of building an ontological model of the subject area of the IP management system are considered. Methods for constructing and analyzing the ontological model and conceptual structure of the DIFIP subject area are proposed. Methods for constructing and analyzing the canonical structures of master databases (MDB) of patent and scientific and technical information DIFIP have been developed. Object-oriented methods of analysis and design are used to build an ontological model and canonical structure of the MDB.
intellectual property management system, intellectual property digital information fund, patent information databases, scientific and technical information databases, data objects, subject area ontology model, master database, WIPO standards/
PP. 58-66.
DOI 10.14357/20718632220306 References
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