When making socio-oriented decisions for the hospitalization of patients in difficult epide-miological conditions, it is necessary to take into account a large number of parameters that describe the current situation, the sources of which are the participants in the hospitalization process. However, a large number of parameters significantly complicates the model and increases the decision time. The paper presents an analysis of the significance of human factors for the decision-making process and their use to refine the information model of a cooperative game that describes the process of hospitalization. The architecture of the socially-oriented decision-making support system during hospitalization in a difficult epidemiological situation is presented, which describes the interaction of the main participants in the process and the main program blocks of the system. The results of testing the refined information model show an increase in the quality of decision-making by increasing the importance of factors influencing decision-making, as well as a greater variability of decisions by taking into account human factors.
Keywords: hospitalization, model, human factors, cooperative game, architecture.
PP. 79-94.
DOI 10.14357/20718632220308 References
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