A. A. Zuenko, A. G. Oleynik, Y. A. Oleynik Integration of Conceptual Modeling and Constraint Programming for the Synthesis of Flowsheets |
The information technology for structural synthesis of multistage technological processes schemes is presented. The technology based on the integration of conceptual modeling and constraints programming methods. Relevance of the development is due to the fact that the existing solutions in the field of structural synthesis do not offer means for the formal description of heterogeneous constraints on the of structural elements combination in the formation of the target object. Integration of conceptual modeling and constraints programming methods provides the formalized description, automated accounting and analysis of heterogeneous constraints both on the compatibility of the equipment that implements the process and on efficiency indicators. Technological processes for the mineral processing are considered as an example. Formal structures characterizing both the properties of the processing object and the equipment that implements the process main technological operations are described. Constrains examples on synthesizing structure of the technological process and functional capabilities of the instrumental system that implements the developed technology are briefly described.
structural synthesis, flowsheet, conceptual modeling, constraint programming, constraint satisfaction problem.
PP. 95-107.
DOI 10.14357/20718632220309 References
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