The article offers a description of the developed software service designed to automate the process of preprocessing and filtering EEG signal data with synchronized video recording for the analysis of continuous brain processes. The signal is presented in the form of a matrix of topographic maps оf the signal power distribution in the specified frequency ranges, which allows a data processing specialist to perform a comparative analysis of several EEG recordings. The service provides an opportunity for a detailed analysis of the selected recording fragment, including an assessment of the dynamics of changes in the parameters of the recording fragment over time. The service allows to perform such an analysis using a synchronized video recording of a participant with video tracking of his physiological parameters, such as respiratory rate, blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation of blood, head movements, open/closed mouth and eyes. This analytics provides a flexible system for filtering and preprocessing EEG data. The approbation of the service for processing and analyzing EEG data was carried out on the example of automating the method of recognizing a person's meditative state, characterized by directing attention to body sensations and abstracting from external stimuli.
EEG signal, spatial power distribution, classification of brain activity states.
PP. 72-85.
DOI 10.14357/20718632230407
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