Machine learning (ML) environments offer a variety of methods and tools that help to solve problems in different areas, including software engineering (SE). Currently, a large number of researchers are interested in the possibilities of using various machine learning techniques in software engineering. This paper provides an overview of machine learning techniques used in each stage of the software development life cycle (SDLC). The contribution of this review is significant. Firstly, by analyzing sources from bibliographic and abstract databases, it was found that the topic of integrating machine learning techniques into software engineering is relevant. Secondly, the article poses questions and reviews the methodology of this research. In addition, machine learning methods are systematized according to their application at each stage of software development. Despite the vast amount of research work on the use of machine learning techniques in software engineering, further research is required to achieve comprehensive comparisons and synergies of the approaches used, meaningful evaluations based on detailed practical implementations that could be adopted by the industry. Thus, future efforts should be directed towards reproducible research rather than isolated new ideas. Otherwise, most of these applications will remain poorly realized in practice.
machine learning, software engineering, software development life cycle.
PP. 86-95.
DOI 10.14357/20718632230408
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