Yu. I. Brodsky, L. V. Kruglov Structural Theory of Complex Systems. Model-Oriented Programming |
We propose a formal definition of the complex system computer model as a species of structure in the sense of N. Bourbaki – the “model” species of structure. The class of mathematical objects defined by this species of structure has the following two properties: a complex created by combining mathematical objects of the “model” species of structure according to the certain rules is itself a mathematical object of the same species of structure. The process of computation organization is same for allmathematical objects of this species of structure and therefore can be implemented by a single universal program. These two properties make it possible to build an end-to-end technology for the development, description, synthesis and software implementation of complex systems models - Model-oriented programming.
complex systems, structural theory, model synthesis model-oriented programming.
PP. 96-108.
DOI 10.14357/20718632230409
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