Estimation of efficiency of production and infrastructure subsystems
I.A. Mironova, T.I. Tischenko Evaluating the effectiveness of the high-speed railway project from the point of view of society
Macrosystem dynamics
System analysis in medicine and biology
I.A. Mironova, T.I. Tischenko Evaluating the effectiveness of the high-speed railway project from the point of view of society


The article describes the method of assessing the social efficiency of projects related to high-speed traffic, taking into account external effects as an alternative to the use of macroeconomic model and the calculation of the multiplier that determines the growth of gross regional product due to investment in highspeed highway. The types and structure of external effects from the construction and operation of the high speed rail are proposed, approaches to their definition are described.


high speed rail (VSM), public efficiency, external effect.

PP. 40-48.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190204


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