Estimation of efficiency of production and infrastructure subsystems
Macrosystem dynamics
A.V. Solovyev, A.Yu. Danilenko, G.P. Akimova, D.S. Bogdanov, M.A. Pashkin, E.V. Pashkina, A.A. Podrabinovich, I.V. Tumanova Mathematical models for assessing the integrity of digital data transfer in a digital economy
System analysis in medicine and biology
A.V. Solovyev, A.Yu. Danilenko, G.P. Akimova, D.S. Bogdanov, M.A. Pashkin, E.V. Pashkina, A.A. Podrabinovich, I.V. Tumanova Mathematical models for assessing the integrity of digital data transfer in a digital economy


This article describes mathematical models for assessing the integrity of digital data when they are transmitted between economic entities of the digital economy, including through open telecommunications networks. The paper provides a brief overview of the means and methods of ensuring data protection in telecommunications networks. The classification of the problem of ensuring the preservation of digital data as an optimal control problem under parametric perturbations in an unstable environment has been made. A formal formulation of the task of ensuring the safety of digital data during transmission over telecommunication networks has been completed. It is shown that to ensure the safety of digital data transmission in open telecommunications networks, it is possible to use distributed registry technologies. The possible areas of application of the solution of the problem of preserving digital data during transmission are outlined.


digital economy, safety, big data, distributed registries, personal data, electronic documents, optimal control, parametric perturbations

PP. 65-74.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190207


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