Information technology in system analysis
A.L. Tsaregorodtsev, S.S. Slobodenyuk, S.V. Voloshin, A.V. Vokhmintcev An approach to the storage and processing of original semi-structured geological and geophysical information
Methods and models of system analysis
Risk management and safety
A.L. Tsaregorodtsev, S.S. Slobodenyuk, S.V. Voloshin, A.V. Vokhmintcev An approach to the storage and processing of original semi-structured geological and geophysical information


Methods of storage of production data are an important factor in the Informatization of oil fields. In this case, there are some problems of their use, due to the incompatibility of formats, duplication of information, speed of data manipulation, etc. This article describes the initial stage of development of an automated information system, which is a single information space of the results of research of primary geological and geophysical information. The methods of structuring and pre-processing of heterogeneous geological and geophysical information related to the description of wells, their location, performance indicators, the results of inclinometry and logging data, as well as to the intersection of specific geological formations, for its further storage in a relational database and processing methods of statistical analysis and machine learning to predict long-term intervals of the section and issue recommendations for oil production based on a comprehensive analysis. A relational model for structured data storage, providing high speed of data manipulation operations, is also presented and implemented.


heterogeneous geological and geophysical information, unstructured data, relational model, primary data processing.

PP. 3-12.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190401


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