Macrosystem dynamics
General systems theory
Information technology in system analysis
Systemic regulation of national and regional economy
Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
S.P. Bushansky A posteriori analysis of the construction project of the bridge across the Volga river in Volgograd
S.P. Bushansky A posteriori analysis of the construction project of the bridge across the Volga river in Volgograd

The article analyzes the investment project for the construction of a large bridge, the change in its estimated estimated cost, the accuracy of forecasting traffic intensity; the economic feasibility of budget investments is assessed a posteriori. It is shown, on the basis of open official data, that the conclusions of the Accounts Chamber on budget overruns are not confirmed by comparing planned and actual expenditures in comparable prices. When forming design solutions, systemic shortcomings in planning large investments appeared: excessive optimism of plans, invariance of the project concept, which led to the following investment paradox: a predictable problem (congestion of a local road due to its insufficient capacity) is not solved despite the availability of solutions, one of which, conceptual, is postponed due to its complexity and high cost, and the other, “palliative”, is not developed due to inconsistency with the concept of the project.


strategic planning, social efficiency, investment project, cost overruns, audit of the Accounts Chamber

PP. 70-79.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279210209

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